Educational Grants

The goal of an educational grant is to increase opportunities for Manasota Weavers Guild members to participate in fiber-related educational courses and to share their newly learned skills, concepts and abilities for the enrichment of the general Membership.

All applications will receive equal and impartial consideration.  Evaluation will be based on educational need and validity of the intended use of the funds, and not on financial need.

Eligible Members

  • Applicant must have been a member in good standing of Manasota Weavers Guild for at least one year.
  • A member may apply for only one award in a program year (May 1- April 30).
  • A member may not apply in consecutive program years for State Conference assistance.

Program Requirements

  • Grants may be used for local Manasota Weavers Guild workshops, State Conference tuition or tuition to other institutions or workshops.
  • Grants may be used only for the purpose stated on the application.
  • Grants may be used for tuition only; expenses related to the course of study, such as materials or travel are disallowed.
  • The full cost of the course of study must be prepaid by the person receiving the grant. 
  • If the applicant does not complete the program or does not attend, no tuition will be refunded.
  • When the course of study has been completed, the recipient is expected to share an overview of the knowledge/skill acquired with the general membership of Manasota Weavers Guild.  Results can be shared in the form of a teaching program, lecture or demonstration, public display, exhibit, show and tell, notebooks, videos, slides or written articles in the newsletter.  The applicant will be reimbursed for the amount of the grant after presentation of the results.

Click here for the Grant Application.

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