Internet Instruction

Craftsy has a multitude of crafting classes available online, including weaving and spinning.

School of SweetGeorgia is a community of multicraftual makers and textile artists offering many online classes.

School of Weaving by Jane Stafford offers video weaving tutorials, currently 7 years of instruction are available covering topics from warping your loom to profile drafting. is the creation of Kris Bruland, a software architect and weaver. is a weaving archive containing over 70,000 thousand drafts. It also offers several useful tools for weavers such as draft color design, block substitution, video tutorials and a gallery.

John C Campbell Folk School is offering online classes in fiber arts and much more through an app called Lessonface.

Weaving with Janet Dawson has so much to offer. Janet is a weaver, teacher and writer – check her out.

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