MWG Policies

AS OF May 1st, 2023

The following are the current policies and procedures not covered by the bylaws. The board can override or revise these policies whenever it deems appropriate by the majority vote.

TREASURY POLICY: The guild Treasurer is responsible for receiving incoming money, for paying the bills, for keeping appropriate financial records and for mailing reports to the board and members. To accomplish this the following policies are mandated.

  a. All expenditures over $50 should be presented to the board for approval.

  b. Expenses such as library purchases, educational programs, workshops, etc. should be presented in budget form with detailed written estimates of anticipated expenses. Requests for reimbursement should be submitted with written documentation so that a record of the expenses can be maintained for the audit purposes.

c. The guild owns 8 Ashford table looms which are used for Learn to Weave classes and also rented to members. The deposit required for Learn to Weave students is $300 per loom. These looms may be rented by members of the guild when not in use for Learn to Weave for $25 per month with a $300 deposit fee. The guild also owns a 4H Baby Wolf and a Wolf Pup, these can also be rented for personal use. A Deposit of $500 is required and Rent is $50/month. Our Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom and our Schacht Inkle Loom require a deposit of $100.00 and Rent will be $15/month. Other items such as wheels, carders, projectors and miscellaneous equipment may be used by members at no additional fee.

d. The guild library is currently kept at the studio of Barbara Cabral, 417 6th St., W Palmetto and is administered by the Librarian, Susan Ott. Members may call her at 941-920-5349 or email her at for an appointment to visit the library or to request books to be delivered to guild meetings or mailed. The library catalog is currently available online at and may also be accessed via website.

  e. Workshops are to be self-supporting. The workshop chairperson shall obtain a contract with the proposed instructor in advance of the workshop and collect the monies electronically required to pay the instructor, travel, housing, food, and materials required from each participant. All monies needed shall be deposited by the Treasurer in advance of confirming the workshop with the instructor. The guild member that hosts the instructor may take the class at no fee. Refunds in case of illness or family emergency may be made with the board approval so long as it does not jeopardize the workshop.

  f. Dues for the guild will be $35. They are due on May 1st (the beginning of our fiscal year). New members who join after January 1st will be considered guests. They can attend meetings but are not allowed to use the library or rent equipment. 

  g. The Educational Grant Committee will assess applications for the John King Memorial Scholarship. These will be funded by the general fund yearly and cannot exceed $500.00 per fiscal year. It is understood that the original intent was to have the Scholarship funded by donations and fund raising, however this concept is too difficult to manage. Therefore, the Board in March of 2023 has decided that the organization does wish to promote education and respect the memory of John King and will continue to offer this opportunity but include it in our annual budget. 

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